Toronto receives funding for 7 new affordable housing projects



Ontario Construction News staff writer

Seven new affordable and supportive housing developments have been approved in Toronto, as part of Phase Two of the federal Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI).

In total, these seven projects will create 260 new affordable and supportive homes in the following locations:

  • Wigwamen Incorporated, 525 Markham Rd.
  • Akwa Honsta Non-Profit Aboriginal Homes, 136 Kingston Rd.
  • Clare’s Multifaith Housing Society, 1120 Ossington Ave.
  • Canadian Helen Keller Centre, 150 Eighth St.
  • WoodGreen Community Housing, 60 Bowden St. and 1080 Queen St. E.
  • Felix Centre, 25 Augusta Ave.

“I am committed to getting more housing built. These seven projects announced today demonstrate how our governments and community partners are working together to get more housing built as soon as possible,” said Mayor John Tory.

“Supporting Indigenous-led housing projects and creating new supportive and affordable homes is an important part of the affordable housing strategy in our HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan and I look forward to seeing these projects get up and running.”

Two projects being led by Wigwamen and Akwa Honsta will create 86 deeply affordable homes for Indigenous peoples and reflect the city’s earlier commitment to allocate more than 20 per cent of its total RHI Phase 2 funding to Indigenous-led developments. In addition, more than 40 per cent of the new homes will be prioritized for women-led households.

Also, the Open Door program incentives will waive property taxes for the duration of

RHI is a federal capital funding program that aims to rapidly create new affordable rental housing for marginalized people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The second phase of RHI was announced by the Government of Canada on June 29, 2021.

“The city is grateful for all available funding from other orders of government to create homes with support services for the most vulnerable residents living in Toronto,” said Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão.


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