Private school prepares to build 10-storey residence in Scarborough



GTA Construction Report staff writer

Prequalified contractors including Buttcon Ltd. have started preparing bids for a new 10-storey residence at the Royal Crown Academic School, 4620 Finch Ave. E. in Scarborough.

The new ARK Inc-designed building for a private school serving local and international students would go up right next to the existing school on the north side of Finch, just east of Brimley Road, Urban Toronto reports.

The 10 storey, 9,688 sq. m. building will include 225 student residence rooms, a cafeteria, gym, and other amenities.

The design has mnimal glazing with punched windows to reduce heating and cooling costs.

The existing building will be renovated to include a new main entrance canopy and accessibility ramp and an  entrance that connects the structure to the proposed development.  The two buildings will be connected with a one-storey brezeway and cafeteria. reports Royal Crown School says therewill be different floors and areas for boys and girls and a school shuttle bus will be provided for transportation between the campus and the residence.

A heating and air conditioning system with individual room controls will also be included.

DataBid says Buttcon Ltd. is at least one prequalified bidding contractor. Buttcon says it welcomes preliminary subtrade quotes.

Consultants include: Acoustical engineer – Swallow Acoustic Consultants Ltd.; civil engineer – Lithos Group Inc.; geotechnical consultant – Peto MacCallum Ltd. (PML); landscape architect – Quinn Design Associates Inc.; planner – The Planning Partnership; and structural engineer – Qiunn Dressel Associates.


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