Publishers Viewpoint December


    By Chase

    I have just finished my final travel arrangements for The Buildings Show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I am excited for the show this year, connecting with many new clients and seeing existing industry partners. It is also a great chance to take advantage of personal time after the show and spend the evenings like a vacation.

    The show is overwhelming with the number of booths and visitors walking the floor. There is no way you can effectively navigate in one day. Luckily being an exhibitor at the show. I have lots of time.         The best swag is available on Wednesday so I like to do a big sweep of the floor (grabbing the cool stuff), noting where our clients are, gathering press releases along with contact details for news articles and making note of potential clients to stop in and see to gain some details about their company.          I like the research stage of potential clients as you get to learn about a company’s history, products, services and most importantly the people.

    On display this year will be copies of our annual Barrie Construction Association Magazine, promotions flyers, raffle, information about our Certficate of Substantial Performance (CSP) publishing services with the Ontario Construction News and video display of our products and services.

    If all goes well, I will be able to turn my phone into a hot spot do let people review the site live on our smart TV, check out the articles on the site and read a new daily digital edition of our newspaper.

    This will be my thirteenth consecutive show as an exhibitor and, since my first name is Jason, I think the number will bring me good fortune at the show. Are you attending as an exhibitor or visitor? If you are an exhibitor, send me details on any relevant press release, events you are hosting or news on items we can cover in our news section.

    Chase is the director of marketing and client relations for the Construction News and Report Group as well as the associate publisher for the GTA Construction Report, Ontario Construction Report and the Canadian Design & Construction Report, as well as several US magazines. He can be reached by phone at (905) 341-8686, by email  or visit us online at     



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