Ontario Construction News staff writer
Toronto City Council voted last week to direct $226 million in provincial funding for work on the SmartTrack stations program. The report approved unanimously can be viewed on the city’s website.
Market conditions have changed considerably since the initial budget development. Several factors including supply chain uncertainty, continued construction cost inflation and instability in market participation and labour supply conflated to exert significant pressure on SmartTrack Stations Program delivery. As a result, additional funding is required to deliver the SmartTrack Program.
The city and province negotiated construction funding terms and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvey says the transit initiative will proceed to construction as soon as possible with a revised budget topping $1.68 billion.
With additional funding in place, the Toronto and Metrolinx can begin preparing various sites for SmartTrack construction and will proceed with a design-build contract award for the Bloor-Lansdowne station.
Stations are also planned at Bloor-Lansdowne, East Harbour, Finch-Kennedy, King-Liberty and St. Clair-Old Weston.
Combined with Metrolinx’s GO expansion program, SmartTrack will use heavy rail infrastructure in Toronto for regional commuter service into an urban rapid transit network.
City Council agenda item EX5.2 – SmartTrack Stations Program – Provincial Funding Update, which City Council considered today, is available on the City’s website..
City Council also voted unanimously to reaffirm its support for fare integration across all transit systems in the Toronto region.
Click the link for more information about the City’s SmartTrack Stations Program webpage.
“This $226 million-agreement with the Province of Ontario is great news for transit in Toronto,” McKelvie said. “Council’s approval of this provincial funding protects funding commitments already made by the City of Toronto and the Government of Canada.
“Most importantly, it moves SmartTrack forward. By transforming Toronto’s existing rail infrastructure from a regional commuter service into an urban rapid transit network, we will greatly benefit Toronto residents and increase their transit options.”