Public meeting to focus on Mississauga’s DC and community benefits charge bylaw



Ontario Construction News staff writer

Mississauga’s planning staff will provide an overview of the proposed development charges by-law and community benefits charge by-law at a public meeting on Apr. 6 at 9:30 a.m.

The community benefits charge is a new fee established by the Government of Ontario that will help pay for additional growth-related costs coming from high-density developments. Funds from these charges are used to build new infrastructure like roads, bike lanes, fire stations and much more.

Residents and stakeholders can view the video conference or attend in public at the Mississauga council chamber at 30 City Centre Dr.

Advance registration is required to participate and provide feedback at the meeting. Questions should be provided to clerk’s staff at least 24 hours in an advance of the meeting. Comments submitted will be considered as public information and entered into public record.

To register, email no later than Monday, April 4, before 4 p.m. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from city staff or watch the live stream on the website without registering.

The by-law review process, which began in early 2021, meets requirements outlined in the planning act and development charges act and has included ongoing consultation with industry stakeholders.

The draft Development Charges By-law is available for review on the ] website and a draft of the proposed community benefits charge by-law will be posted before the public meeting.

Both documents could be approved by city council in May.



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