IO, Metrolinx issue RFP for Davenport Diamond Rail Grade Separation project

doamond davenport
Artist's rendering of Davenport Diamond Grade Separation (CNW Group/Infrastructure Ontario)

Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to design, build and finance the Davenport Diamond Rail Grade Separation project on the Barrie Rail Corridor, as part of the GO Regional Express Rail (RER) Program.

This project is part of Metrolinx’s work to provide faster, more frequent and convenient transit service across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), as part of the GO Regional Express Rail (RER) program.

The RFQ outlines the work required at the Davenport Diamond, located in Toronto along the Barrie Rail Corridor. To accommodate the planned expansion of GO Transit rail services, the scope of work includes:

  • Construction of a grade separation structure between the north/south GO Rail corridor and east/west CP Rail corridor to minimize delays to GO service;
  • implementation of a pedestrian underpass to restore east/west connection at Paton Road
    erection of retaining walls forming the approaches of the grade separation structure, topped with noise barrier walls and superimposed cladding to minimize impacts on the community;
  • construction of a rail guideway offset within the corridor during construction to accommodate a temporary diversion track and a temporary rail diamond
    modification of an existing at-grade road crossing at Wallace Avenue to become a road under rail grade separation;
  • public realm enhancements, including artwork on the structure cladding and new pedestrian and cyclist routes; and
  • provisions for future electrification implemented within upgraded rail infrastructure to accommodate future electrified GO train service

IO and Metrolinx say qualified teams will be invited to respond to a request for proposals early in 2018. Interested companies must register with to download the RFQ.


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