Canadian Building Suppliers Network schedules Accessibility Boot Camp at Ryerson University

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GTA Construction Report staff writer

The Canadian Building Suppliers Network (CBSN) will be hosting an Accessibility Boot Camp March 4 at Ryerson University’s Chang School of Continuing Education.

Intended for “solutions driven senior executives responsible for operational excellence, profitability, risk management and corporate and/or real estate value performance” the half-day session will begin with a welcome from CBSN president Wayne Proulx.

Guest speaker, the Hon. Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, is expected to outline his accessibility vision for Ontario and Marie Bountrogianni, Dean Chang School, Ryerson University will outline Ryerson’s commitment to accessibility education.

A release announcing the boot camp invited attendees to embrace the new Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) as a way to enhance customer service, reduce risk and increase profitability.

The release noted: “With a large aging workforce and customer base, accessibility goes well beyond wheelchair accessibility to include needs for people with all forms of disabilities, which in turn affects every companies’ governance, social responsibility and ultimately, its profitability.”

Discussion topics will include legislative trends, changing customer and employee demographics, developing industry standards and government’s role as both an enabler and a partner. Other speakers on the agenda include Jeff Wilson, president and CEO, Adaptability Canada Corporation and Lachlan MacQuarrie, national services director, Oxford Properties.

The boot camp session is scheduled to conclude with a roundtable discussion and networking lunch.

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