Province commits $21 million to transform Brampton hospital




Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Ontario government has committed $21 million to transform Peel Memorial into a new inpatient hospital with a 24/7 emergency department and expand the cancer care at Brampton Civic Hospital.

“For decades, the people of Brampton have been desperate for the new hospital that their growing community needs,” said Premier Doug Ford. “Our government is getting it done and delivering the new inpatient hospital with a 24/7 emergency department that the people and families of Brampton deserve.”

Over 250 new inpatient acute and post-acute care beds are planned to be added to William Osler Health System, which will significantly increase capacity. The new beds and expanded services at Peel Memorial and Brampton Civic Hospital will help William Osler Health System meet the needs of Brampton and the surrounding communities as they continue to grow.

The government’s $21 million investment includes $3 million to support planning to expand cancer care services at Brampton Civic Hospital where six medical linear accelerators will be added for radiation treatment.

William Osler Health System provides care to 1.3 million people in Brampton, Etobicoke and the surrounding communities across its five sites – Brampton Civic Hospital, Etobicoke General Hospital, Peel Memorial, a withdrawal management centre and a reactivation care unit. Since 2017, Peel Memorial has provided residents with an innovative outpatient facility that features easy access to a variety of health care services.

As part of the government’s $760 million commitment in the 2021 Budget to support the continuation of over 3,100 hospital beds opened during the pandemic, William Osler received funding for up to 81 acute beds and six ICU beds.

“Brampton’s new inpatient hospital will be a game changer for our community, and I’m thrilled that after years of neglect from previous governments, our community is finally getting our fair share,” said Prabmeet Sarkaria, rpesident of the Treasury Board and MPP for Brampton South.


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