CSC No-Frills Trade Show set for March 5
GTA Construction Report staff writer
The thirty-seventh annual Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) Toronto chapter’s No-Frills Trade Show has been scheduled for Thursday, March 5, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building and there will be a star attraction for the luncheon before the trade show – Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne.
The annual event, described as the “longest-running construction trade show in Toronto” starts at 1:15 p.m. and concludes at 6 p.m.
Before the show, there will be a lunch featuring Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne. Lunch tickets should be booked in advance by contacting trade show administrator Donna Fournier at (888) 494-9350 or by emailing her at
There will also be seminars within the show, and an introduction to the specification writing career.
Show organizers anticipate more than 200 exhibitors will participate.
For more information, see