Peel calls for immediate action to address affordable housing crisis



Ontario Construction News staff writer

Peel Region has joined with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) demanding the provincial government to work more collaboratively with municipalities to increase housing supply, and tackle the homelessness crisis in Ontario.

AMO presented its top priorities for the 2023 provincial budget to the standing committee on finance and economic affairs.

Peel Regional Council unanimously passed a motion last week, asking for urgent action to end homelessness.

In Peel, the affordable housing crisis includes:

  • Shelter use increased by 26.9% in 2021
  • 50 per cent of demand for people with need for supportive housing is not met
  • An estimated 91,000 households are in need of housing
  • An average income family would have to save a down payment over 30 years for an affordable monthly mortgage at today’s home prices

“We’re calling on the Government of Ontario to work with AMO, municipalities and other partners to increase the supply of affordable housing and to urgently develop and implement an action plan to achieve this goal and end homelessness once and for all,” said Peel Regional Chair Nando Iannicca

The provincial government’s Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 will reduce Peel’s ability to fund affordable housing projects by an estimated $200 million.

Peel Region is advocating for a compensation fund and “appropriate funding” to counteract the impacts of Bill 23 on municipal growth funding revenues and expenditures.

AMO’s pre-budget submission says the homelessness crisis in Ontario is a direct result of decades of provincial underinvestment in areas such as affordable housing, community mental health and income assistance programs.

“Homelessness is a social, economic, and health crisis and clearly, urgent action is needed. We need the provincial government to commit to ending homelessness,” said Peel Regional councillor Paul Vicente.


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