Ontario Line station largest of $1.25 billion Toronto building permits in November


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Toronto recorded building permits valued at $1,125,012,655 in November.

The largest permit was for $230 million for a TTC Subway Station and Bus Terminal at 250 Front St. E., part of the Ontario Line project.

The overall Ontario Line is estimated to cost $17 to $19 billion, with estimated completion in 2031.

Other significant permits issued in November include:

$78 million — 193 McCaul St.

Lamb Development Corp. Is building this 20-storey mixed use condo and retail structure designed by architects-Alliance.

$71.29 million – 2690 Eglinton Ave. W.

This permit is for the rebuilding and consolidation project of York Memorial Collegiate Institute.  The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) says the new school will have a maximum capacity of 1,300 pupils. Two adjacent buildings are being converted from TDSB administrative to full academic use, resulting in an 183,740 sq. ft. school.

$32. 5 million – 71 Curlew Dr.

Urban Toronto reports this permit is for Lawrence Hill, a four-storey townhouse project designed by IBI Group for Kingdom Canada.

$26.665 million – 51 Beechgrove Dr.

            The Highland Creek Treatment Plant Contract 2 Project includes construction of a new Northeast Plant, an 110 ML/d conventional activated sludge treatment plant, a new high-voltage substation, modifications to the Southwest (SW) and Northwest (NW) Plants that will provide long-term rehabilitation, and site preparatory work associated with the long-term plan for the Southeast (SE) Plant, Urban Toronto reports.

CH2M Hill Canada Limited designed the structure, with engineering services by Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. and  Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions Inc.

See all the November Toronto building permit applications and permits issued.



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