ED+PCL Healthcare Partners begin enabling works at the $1.3 billion Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital project site


Ontario Construction News

The contracting consortium of EllisDon and PCL have started site preparation work for the new $1.3 billion Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital.

In a June 27 statement, ED+PCL Healthcare Partners said the “Trillium ED/PCL JV partnership (THP) has begun executing the Enabling Works” for what will become Canada’s largest hospital when the project is completed in 2029.

“In connection with the innovative Development Phase Agreement, Enabling Works encapsulates all the preparatory work required for the site to be ready for construction to take place,” said Andrew Anderson, EllisDon’s senior vice-president and Toronto area manager. “This is a significant step forward in the development of this new state-of-the-art facility that will service the growing needs of the community of Mississauga.

“ED+PCL Healthcare Partners, as well as our consortium partners, are thrilled with the progress to-date, and look forward to continuing to build on the success of our collaborative efforts and support THP (Trillium Health Partners) and IO (Infrastructure Ontario) to bring this vital hospital to fruition.”

“As we progress through the development phase, the Trillium ED/PCL JV partnership is thrilled to begin Enabling Works, preparing the site to advance critical work on the new Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital,” said,Marc Pascoli, senior-vice president and district manager at PCL Constructors Canada Ltd.

“Reaching this major milestone is a result of the outstanding commitment and collaboration between THP, IO, EllisDon, PCL and our expert health care design and construction consultants. We look forward to the next stages of our partnership to help bring THP’s vision for this important healthcare project to life.”

A large and essential undertaking, enabling works will bring substantial changes to the project site before excavation and construction. Along with the systematic demolition of three buildings throughout the next several months, there will be major efforts made to remove and relocate site utilities, realign site roads, and create new temporary construction roads to prepare the site’s footprint for the next phase of construction.

Under the development phase agreement, ED+PCL Healthcare Partners are working alongside IO, THP and the Ministry of Health to collaboratively develop the project requirements, design, pricing, schedule, and risk management for The Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital. The start of enabling works is a successful outcome of that collaboration and advances the project closer to the completion of the agreement.

The new hospital will replace the existing Mississauga Hospital and become the largest hospital in Canada.  It will be Ontario’s first women and children hospital with advanced diagnostic imaging facilities, a new pharmacy and clinical laboratory as well as an expanded emergency department; slated to be one of the largest in the province.


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