Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling project kicks off Port Lands development

Inner Harbour
Core stone being deposited in the Inner Harbour | Waterfront Toronto

Officials from the governments of Canada, Ontario and Toronto, together with Waterfront Toronto chief executive Will Fleissig opened the construction of Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling project on Jan. 11.

The project is rising at Essroc Quay, which is situated on the south side of the Keating Channel. It is part of a bigger initiative that seeks to improve the management of stormwater to prevent flooding in case of major storms.

It calls for the creation of new land around the project site to allow the realignment of Cherry St. A new bridge will also be constructed, as well as an aquatic habitat that will be a part of the proposed Promontory Park. Completion of such infrastructures is expected by the end of March 2020.

In September 2016,  Waterfront Toronto received a tri-government funding of $65 million for the Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling project. Such fund was provided under  the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform an underused resource in the heart of downtown. Flood protecting the Port Lands will make way for sustainable new communities that deliver affordable housing and job opportunities,” said Fleissig. “This project will enhance Toronto’s resilience to extreme weather while also restoring a natural environment for all Canadians to explore.”

The larger Port Lands Flood Protection project features the development of a new river valley and a naturalized mouth for the Don River , while remediating contaminated soil. Through these, the project is anticipated to unlock new land that could be used for developing sustainable communities.

This project is the largest to be pitched in the second phase of Toronto’s waterfront revitalization and is estimated to be completed within a seven-year period.


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