Oakville completes Saville Area Stormwater Improvement Study; project file open for public review




Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Town of Oakville has completed the Saville Area – Stormwater System Improvement Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and the project file is now available for public review. The purpose of the study is to establish recommended municipality-led capital work to reduce flood risks within the study area.

This study focuses on urban flooding, which is caused when the storm drainage system, including storm sewers and ditches, is over capacity and causes sewer backup, or overflows outside of the right-of-way and into adjacent low- lying areas during heavy rainfall events.

Recommendations to reduce urban flood risk include a combination of green infrastructure, select drainage improvements, storm sewer upgrades, and flood storage facilities (Seabrook Park and Rebecca Gardens Park). The preferred solution was evaluated, along with several other alternatives, and was selected as the preferred alternative based on environmental, social/cultural, economic, technical and study-specific considerations.

The study complied with requirements as described in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) document (October 2000, as amended in 2015), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

The report will be available on the Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study page and written comments can be submitted to one of the project team members listed below by Oct. 31.

Jing Liu, P. Eng.
Water Resources Engineer
Town of Oakville
1225 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, ON L6H 0H3
905-845-6601 ext. 3234

Chris Denich, BSc., P. Eng.
Project Manager
Aquafor Beech Ltd
55 Regal Road, Unit 3
Guelph, ON N1K 1B6

A request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e. requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g. require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name for the ministry.

Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for additional conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy those potential adverse impacts, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request.

The request should be sent in writing or by email to:

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2J3

Director, Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch, MECP
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1P5

Requests should also be sent to the project team members by mail or by e-mail.


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