Publisher’s viewpoint


By Chase

Exciting things are taking place behind the scenes with a new publication and a new partnership to expand our offerings to our clients. Worst part of all this is that I can’t talk about most of it yet.

I’m in my second month of working on our expansion further into the U.S. market and the launch of the New York Construction Report magazine. If you visit the site www.newyorkconstructionreport. com now you may only see the logo and my contact details but a lot is going on to get ready.

First off is development of our biweekly enewsletters that will be sent out to 7,000 plus readers (note the list is growing weekly). I am starting to compile contact information for 13 associations across New York and into New Jersey. Press releases and association news is being collected and development of our first reports are in the works.

My goal is to develop a quarterly magazine and report on current news every two weeks with an interactive e-newsletter. If you do work in New York State, send me a message and we can get you into our first e-newsletter and magazine coming in September.

The second project I started researching and developing is gaining traction after a great meeting recently with Mark Buckshon, who is the publisher and president of Construction News and Report Group, and the business contact for our new venture in Halifax. If all goes well, the new venture will launch in support of some of our existing U.S. magazines in Chicago, North Carolina and Florida. I have set a realistic revenue goal that I hope will come in up to five times my forecast. The opportunity opens up some new opportunities for growth for us and the new contact and may create a few new responsibilities for our existing team, as well as shaping a new pillar of revenue for the company to help with growth and expansion.

Chase is the director of marketing and client relations for the Construction News and Report Group, as well as the associate publisher for the GTA Construction Report, Ontario Construction Report and the Canadian Design & Construction Report. If you have any recommendations or suggestions on changes you would like to make for the publication please contact him at (905) 228-1151, email or visit .


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