WoodWORKS! – Next ‘storey’ in wood construction conference

woodworks event

WoodWORKS! has scheduled The Next ‘Storey’ in Wood Construction, a morning/luncheon wood design conference in Toronto on Tuesday, June 14.

Presentations include:

Six in Wood: Six-storey wood frame in British Columbia

by Patrick Cotter, AIBC, AIA, principal, ZGF Cotter Architects, Inc.

Patrick Cotter, partner of ZGF Cotter Architects, explores the opportunities and technical limitations of six-storey wood frame design. Six-storey case studies to be explored include Remy – the first six-storey wood frame residential project designed in Canada – as well as his Parc Riviera, Quattro 3, and Riverport Flats Phase II projects.

The benefits of panelization for mid-rise construction

by Robert Kok, P.Eng., Director of Research and Development, Brockport Home Systems Ltd.

This seminar will discuss the Panelization process with an emphasis on applications for turnkey mid-rise construction projects. Participants will receive an in depth look at how advanced design, manufacturing and installation efficiencies enable quicker construction cycle times. In an industry where “time is money”, having the ability to recognize where Panelization might benefit your next project is extremely valuable to your client.

Why the Ontario Building Code needs to catch up

by Steven Street, technical director, Ontario Wood WORKS!

Technological advancements in wood product manufacturing, a strong imperative to reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment, and an advanced understanding of the role wood plays in the carbon economy has led to a resurgence of timber construction overseas.   International design teams are leading the way for greater use of wood products. Canadian designers, aware of innovative design trends, are searching for ways to utilize more Canadian wood products either under the current code or through acceptance of Alternative Solutions submissions.

The event at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel starts at 8:15 a.m. and concludes at 12:30  Registration is $30 and includes lunch.

This luncheon conference qualifies for three structured learning hours with the Ontario Association of Architects.

You can register at this link.


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