EllisDon Yorkdale Mall jobsite signs Jersey of Courage

jersey of courage ottawa
Signing the Jersey of Courage at the first stop in Ottawa (Ottawa Construction Association photo)

EllisDon’s Yorkdale Mall jobsite has hosted the second stop of the Next Level Safety plan with the signing of The Jersey of Courage. Industry leaders in workplace safety, along with EllisDon and MySafeWork, gathered on May 11  to further demonstrate their continuous efforts to making safety paramount, amongst everything else in the workplace, the company announced in a news release. This is the second stop on the nationwide tour, with the first held in Ottawa last week.

Created by Rob Ellis, founder of MySafeWork, The Jersey of Courage is a mobile safety charter, used to engage employees and students in important issues surrounding workplace safety. With over 500,000 signatures collected, each signature represents a commitment to making Canada the world’s safest place to work.

“This is an important event that will raise the standard of safety performance across Canada and ultimately save lives,” said Rob Ellis. “It takes courage for employees to say no to unsafe work — and it takes courage for companies to step up and lead in this area.” Rob also states, “But it begins with tremendous companies like EllisDon; great leaders inspire other leaders to be courageous and impact the future of our nation.”

With safety paramount to EllisDon, and Rob Ellis lifelong commitment to the cause, the collaboration was a natural fit. EllisDon says it has earned a safety record that consistently exceeds the industry average.

“We can and must commit ourselves to a new, higher standard of safety – not only EllisDon employees, but every single person on our jobsites,” said Geoff Smith, EllisDon president and CEO. “Safety is more important than making money, more important than making schedule, more important than client service, it is more important than absolutely anything.” Geoff goes on to state, “I salute the constant, daily efforts of everyone who makes this the top priority at EllisDon and I am excited to collaborate with Rob Ellis and MysafeWork to continue to elevate our efforts.”

(Image: Signing the Jersey of Courage in Ottawa: Ottawa Construction Association photo)


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